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Funding for Educators

Our PTO program provides funding to educators for resources and enrichment opportunities that are not typically covered by the school. This funding can be used for curriculum or events such as field trips, guest speakers, and other activities that can benefit the classroom experience. We strive to ensure that educators have the resources they need to provide the best educational experience for their students.

The following proposals are some examples fulfilled by this PTO program.

Supplies for Bresnahan art classroom
Similarity Awareness program at the Molin
Communication Board for Molin playground
Supplies for Bres Cultural Arts classroom
Boston Symphony trip for Nock students
Third grade MCAS mice for new classroom
Handbells for the Molin music class
Seat sacs for Bresnahan OT support
Clay for Nock cuneiform project
Payoff lunch balances for free/reduced lunch students 

To apply for this program, Bresnahan, Molin and Nock teachers or other members of the staff must complete the electronic PTO Funding Proposal form and receive the approval by their respective school administrator. Upon submission, the Funding Proposal is reviewed and approved by the majority of the PTO Board as well as the majority of the PTO members present at the upcoming General Meeting. 

Newburyport PTO

333 High Street 

Newburyport, MA 01950

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Newburyport PTO is a non-profit organization established under the 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is tax-exempt (EIN: 04-3570772). All contributions to the Newburyport PTO are tax-deductible as allowed by the law.

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