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Classroom Liaison

To support classrooms and connect families, the PTO organizes a classroom liaison for each classroom at the Molin and Bresnahan.  Classroom liaisons assist in organizing class events, recruiting parent or caregiver volunteers, and meeting any classroom needs. The PTO hosts a Classroom Liaison coffee in the fall to welcome and thank all these wonderful volunteers. If you are interested in being a classroom liaison, please reach out to your classroom teacher or contact us by email.

Newburyport PTO

333 High Street 

Newburyport, MA 01950

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Newburyport PTO is a non-profit organization established under the 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is tax-exempt (EIN: 04-3570772). All contributions to the Newburyport PTO are tax-deductible as allowed by the law.

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