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Nock Events

Each year, our Nock Parent Representatives plan wonderful social events for our sixth, seventh and eighth graders.  Past events include dances and “Dinner and a Show,” an opportunity for students to eat dinner together and enjoy the school’s spring musical.  Every student’s time at the Nock concludes with a fun Eighth Grade Celebration, hosted by the PTO. Parents and caregivers can get involved to help plan these events and attend many as chaperones!

Newburyport PTO

333 High Street 

Newburyport, MA 01950

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Newburyport PTO is a non-profit organization established under the 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is tax-exempt (EIN: 04-3570772). All contributions to the Newburyport PTO are tax-deductible as allowed by the law.

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